
About Me
teens talking out problems

I have worked with a lot of kids over the years that had hard lives at home. Many of the kids that I have worked with have told me how they wish that their parents would just listen to what they have to say. If you are a teen struggling to find someone to listen, a counselor will be able to help. I created this blog to help teenagers find the person that they feel comfortable with to talk about anything that could be troubling them. By talking out problems, bigger problems can sometimes be avoided. Find out more on my blog.

Important Things To Know When You’re Battling Postpartum Depression

24 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A bout of postpartum depression can be extremely difficult as you battle feeling down at a time that you'd expect to feel happy and excited. This mental health issue can often cause you to withdraw, perhaps feeling distanced from your spouse and family, canceling get-togethers with other new moms, and spending a lot of time in your room alone. It's important for you to know several things about postpartum depression, especially if you're going through these feelings for the first time in your life. Read More …

3 Important Ways Grief Counseling Can Help Those Who’ve Lost Loved Ones

7 March 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Losing a loved one is never ideal. This is particularly true if you haven't really dealt with death before. Grief may have set in, and it can be hard to sort through. If you're tired of living this way, consider grief counseling. It can help in many important ways.  Combat Loneliness  After losing a loved one, your grief may actually cause you to start isolating yourself from friends and other family members. Read More …

Medication Management Services Can Help You Stay On Top Of Your Dosage Requirements

18 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you are elderly and are required to take medication for high blood pressure, but tend to be forgetful on occasion, it can be a true wakeup call if you have ever experienced an adverse reaction because of a missed dose. Your medication instructions need to be followed consistently to keep your blood pressure regulated so that the quality of your life isn't compromised. Learn About Medication Management Services Medication management services are offered through private businesses, pharmacies, and doctors' offices. Read More …

Searching For The Right Counseling Services And Counselors

23 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Choosing the right counselor can present some challenges. Patients might need to meet with many different counselors in order to find someone who they feel that they can work with, even though all of those people will still be qualified counselors. Reading relevant online reviews can help.  It's Easy to Find Online Reviews Associated With Individual Counselors Today Even in the recent past, many people had a hard time finding reviews that were about the counselors themselves. Read More …

How A Therapist Might Help You Lose Weight When You’ve Always Failed In The Past

19 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're struggling with problems that lead you to overeat and you can't seem to control yourself, then talking to a therapist might be a big help. Losing weight may be necessary for your health, but you may constantly sabotage your efforts. That can leave you feeling like a failure and out of control. Here are some ways a therapist might help. Discover Why You Overeat Overeating can be a coping mechanism for unpleasant feelings or bad memories. Read More …