4 Goals Of Trauma Treatment For Teens

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teens talking out problems

I have worked with a lot of kids over the years that had hard lives at home. Many of the kids that I have worked with have told me how they wish that their parents would just listen to what they have to say. If you are a teen struggling to find someone to listen, a counselor will be able to help. I created this blog to help teenagers find the person that they feel comfortable with to talk about anything that could be troubling them. By talking out problems, bigger problems can sometimes be avoided. Find out more on my blog.

4 Goals Of Trauma Treatment For Teens

10 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

When something negative happens, it's natural for people to feel sad for a while before bouncing back. However, trauma can affect people differently than a simple bad day. The brain can actually change as a result of trauma, leading to lingering problems, including depression and anxiety. It's important to treat trauma as soon as you're aware of it, especially when trauma manifests in adolescents. These are some common goals of trauma treatment programs for teens:

1. Keep kids with their families in familiar environments when possible.

Many teenagers are at an age where they're embarrassed by their parents. Even if teens express these feelings, in reality, they are still very reliant on their parents and families. That's why outpatient trauma treatment is ideal for most kids. Teens who participate in outpatient treatment will travel to a clinic or trauma treatment center several times a week to receive counseling. These therapy sessions can take place during the weekend or during weekdays before and after school.

2. Provide emergency intervention for at-risk teens.

Outpatient treatment is suitable for many teens who suffer from PTSD. However, in some cases, more direct intervention is required. When teenagers pose an immediate risk to themselves or other people, inpatient treatment can mitigate the risk while starting teens on the road to recovery. If your child has expressed the desire to hurt themselves or preoccupation with thoughts of suicide, it may be time to seek emergency assistance. Inpatient treatments focus on stabilizing teens' mental states through the use of psychiatric medication, counseling, and the introduction of coping mechanisms.

3. Approach teens with sensitivity and respect.

Teenagers are at a delicate age where their identities are still forming. Furthermore, it's common for victims of trauma and abuse to struggle with trusting others. Some teens lash out through swearing, insults, and other negative behaviors as a result of their trauma. The staff members at trauma treatment programs for teens will nevertheless strive to treat teenagers with sensitivity and respect at all times. This includes holding respect for differences in religion, beliefs, and lifestyles. When teenagers feel respected and understood, they're more likely to open up to their counselors about their experiences.

4. Encourage teens to take an active role in their trauma recovery.

Some teens are resistant to seeking treatment for trauma. Teens may have misconceptions about the role of therapists or see psychotherapy as an invasion of their privacy. Parents have the tough job of getting teenagers treatment when they need it, despite their resistance. However, trauma treatment is most effective with the active participation of the patient. Counselors and doctors who work at trauma treatment centers will strive to gain teens' trust in ways that encourage them to cooperate with talk therapy sessions and other therapeutic activities. 

For more info about trauma treatment for teens, contact a local professional.